We'll be there alongside Rise Up Animation, Black N Animated, Latinx in Animation, and Animation Club talking about Advocating for Diversity in Animation! To learn about the latest in the animation industry, join our own Lexie Chu (Founder and President, Asians in Animation) and our friends Way Singleton (Co-Founder, Black N’ Animated), Monica Lago-Kaytis (Co-Founder, Rise Up Animation), Magdiela Hermida Duhamel (Founder and Director, LXiA), and Onyi Udeh (Founder, Animation Club). We are so grateful for the opportunity to have joined our gracious hosts Elizabeth Garcia of Wacom and LatinX in Animation. Watch the panel live on Saturday, September 11 at 11 AM - or catch the panel anytime until the end of the expo on September 12! Meanwhile, be sure to look out for some of our amazing and immensely talented community members. Meet Kha Anh Le, Laura Yan, Sonya Han, Jessie Chang, Tammy Wang, and Karla Circe below - and find them at the Artist Alley! A big thank you to our own Laura Yan for creating and pioneering the most intense version of Asians in Animation's mascot for our Lightbox Expo graphic beyond our wildest dreams.
For tickets to Lightbox, head to https://lightboxexpo.com/. We'll see you there! |